Carbon capture’s methane problem

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a notice of intent to fund six carbon capture demonstration projects. Two are to be located at new or existing coal-fired generators, two at new or existing gas-fired facilities, and two at new or existing industrial facilities not proposed for electric generation.

Nuclear waste from small modular reactors

Small modular reactors (SMRs), proposed as the future of nuclear energy, have purported cost and safety advantages over existing gigawatt-scale light water reactors (LWRs). However, few studies have assessed the implications of SMRs for the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. The low-, intermediate-, and high-level waste stream characterization Read more…

Nuclear energy should not be part of the global solution to climate change

A recent opinion piece in Utility Dive touting the merits of nuclear power favors a “technology-inclusive approach” over reliance “solely” on desirable-but-inadequate renewables. This framing avoids comparing technologies by claiming all are needed, and even makes comparisons sound unjustly discriminatory by echoing social-inclusion language. It condenses the exuberantly diverse renewable portfolio to Read more…